OPW Fueling Components
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1-1/2 Inch Open Vent Upward Aluminum
Item No. 23-0044
Installed on the top of vent pipes from underground or aboveground fuel storage tanks always open to the atmosphere to allow any pressure or vacuum in the tank to vent

Printer Gear
Item No. 329213-002
Replacement printer gear for TLS-300 and 350 series consoles

Printer For Tls-300/350 And Emc
Item No. F329370-004
Core Charge Incurred At Check Out Remanufactured By Freedom Electronics Maximum three per console

2 Inch Open Vent Upward Aluminum
Item No. 23-0033
Installed on the top of vent pipes from underground or aboveground fuel storage tanks always open to the atmosphere to allow any pressure or vacuum in the tank to vent

3 Inch Open Vent Upward Aluminum
Item No. 23-0055
Installed on the top of vent pipes from underground or aboveground fuel storage tanks always open to the atmosphere to allow any pressure or vacuum in the tank to vent

Medium Bury Polyethylene Tank Sump With Mechanically Fastened Cover
Item No. TSM-4536
36 inch manway diameter x 45 inch base one piece design provides reliable watertight integrity and long product life