OPW - Medium Bury Polyethylene Tank Sump With Mechanically Fastened CoverItem No. TSM-4536

List Price:  $1,372.46 Each  
Your Price: $1,166.59 Each

36 inch manway diameter x 45 inch base; one piece design provides reliable watertight integrity and long product life

Designed to resist deformation under burial and high water table forces

Multiple flats provide maximum area for locating pipe entries; the special ribbed height adjustment design makes adjustments to finished grade if necessary quick and easy

Mfr / Trade Name:OPW Fueling Components Category - Main:Underground Storage Tank Equipment
Containment Sumps, Monitoring Wells & Flex Connectors:Tank Sumps Type:Medium Burial
Composition:Polyethylene Size:45 Inch Base 36 Inch Manhole

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