OPW - 3 Inch Thread-On 2-1/2 Inch To 6 Inch Water Column Pressure Vacuum VentItem No. 623V-3203

List Price:  $316.48 Each  
Your Price: $269.01 Each

Pressure Vacuum Vents are installed on the top of vent pipes from underground or above ground fuel storage tanks

A normally closed poppet in the valve opens at a predetermined pressure or vacuum setting allowing tank to vent

Corrosion-resistant construction: a Duratuff II composite body assures a long service life

Mfr / Trade Name:OPW Fueling Components Category - Main:Aboveground Storage Tank Equipment
Category - Main:Underground Storage Tank Equipment Valves, Drop Tubes & Vents:Vent
Type:Pressure Vacuum Vent Size:3 Inch

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