Alcohol Monitor
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10 Micron Dual Purpose Particulate Removal And Water/Phase Separation Detection Spin-On Petroleum Dispenser Filter 4 x 5 Inch Length 1-1/2 Inch-16 Thread 1 Inch Flow
Item No. 40510D-AD
Removes particulate and detects phase separation in Ethanol-Blended Gasoline up to E15. Removes particulate and detects water in Neat Gasoline Diesel and Biodiesel.

10 Micron Ethanol Alert Series Particulate Removal And Phase Separation Detection Spin-On Petroleum Dispenser Filter 4 x 5 Inch Length 1-1/2 Inch-16 UNF Thread 1 Inch Flow
Item No. 40510A-AD
Removes particulate and detects phase separation in Ethanol-blended Gasoline up to E15.

20 Foot Plug And Lead Harness
Item No. 144-091-5
Isolates and protects individual dispensers from wiring shorts or phasing issues

20 Foot Plug And Lead Harness Standard And Quantum AG
Item No. 144-162-5
Isolates and protects individual dispensers from wiring shorts or phasing issues

10 Micron Multi-Fuel Ultimate Defense Particulate Removal And Water Or Phase Separation Detection Extended Spin-On Petroleum Dispenser Filter 1 Inch-12 Thread (70117)
Item No. 260MB-10
Removes particulate and detects free water emulsified water or phase separation in Gasoline and Ethanol blends up to 25%.

Printer Gear
Item No. 329213-002
Replacement printer gear for TLS-300 and 350 series consoles

TLS-450 Continuous Statistical Leak Detection - Installed
Item No. 332972-006
CSLD tank testing software enhancement for TLS-450 console

10 Micron Ethanol Alert Series Particulate Removal And Phase Separation Detection Spin-On Petroleum Dispenser Filter, 4 x 11 Inch Extended Length, 1-1/2 Inch-16 UNF Thread, 1 Inch Flow
Item No. 41110A-AD
- Not for Aviation applications. UL recognized.

Solid State Dispenser Pan Sensor Non-Discriminating
Item No. 794380-321
Used On TLS-350 and TLS-450

10 Foot 6 Inch Stainless Steel Inventory-Only MAG Plus Magnetostrictive Tank Probe With HGP Canister Without Water Detection
Item No. 846397-610
Accurate multi-point temperature sensing underground storage tank probe for Inventory control.

120 VOlt IQ Control Box
Item No. 880-051-1
Easy to use and easy to install control for manifold pumps

30 Micron Particulate Removal Spin-On Petroleum Dispenser Filter 4 x 5 Inch Length 1-1/2 Inch-16 UNF Thread 1 Inch Flow
Item No. 40530P-AD
Removes particulate in neat Gasoline Ethanol-blended Gasoline up to E15 Diesel Biodiesel ULSD Kerosene and Fuel Oils.

10 Micron Dual Purpose Particulate Removal And Water/Phase Separation Detection Spin-On Petroleum Dispenser Filter 4 x 5 Inch Length 1 Inch-12 Thread 3/4 Inch Flow
Item No. 40510D
Removes particulate and detects phase separation in Ethanol-Blended Gasoline up to E15. Removes particulate and detects water in Neat Gasoline Diesel and Biodiesel.

10 Micron Ethanol Alert Series Particulate Removal And Phase Separation Detection Spin-On Petroleum Dispenser Filter 4 x 5 Inch Length 1 Inch-12 UNF Thread 3/4 Inch Flow
Item No. 40510A
Removes particulate and detects phase separation in Ethanol-blended Gasoline up to E15.